Saturday 14 April 2018

Some Books That We Have Read: Jan - April

What am I looking at? 
Recent books that Nino Paulito has readed.

What are these books? 
The Black Spider by Jeremias Gotthelf. A cautionary Christian tale about the dangers of human greed, sloth and arrogance. A bunch of villagers make a deal with the devil then break their promise which results in a woman being infected with boils that grow into poison spiders that attack and kill everyone. A good campfire story 5/5.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. An alien girl land on a strange planet to find all the women are gone and the remaining men have contracted something called 'the noise' which makes all of their inner thoughts audible. Our protagonist is about to turn 14 the age which boys become men and suddenly experience extreme anger and aggression. We wish it maintained its dark tone throughout. Started so well but then hit that point where everything got really predictable and boring. Twilight for sensitive boys 2/5.

A Monster Calls also by Patrick Ness. This one did hold its nerve. A boy's mum is dying from cancer as he struggles to cope with fear and grief a tree monster visits him during the night to offer reassurance and support. Well not really, the monsters tales make the kid even more paranoid, his mum gets sicker and everything in his life tumultuously falls apart. We liked this one. Very dark, sad and upsetting 4/5.

The Sisters Brothers by Patrick Dewitt. Nino's Pick of the month. A story about two cowboy brother assassin vigilantes on a quest to murder dudes and steal gold. This one was really really good. We found ourselves always sympathising with the leading characters even when they were mercilessly executing civilians. The writing is writing is very sharp and we often found ourselves LOL-ing at its questionable humour whilst reading on public transport. No Country For Old Men if Anton Chigurh was the leading man 5/5.

There is a 5th book in the photo. 
Yah but we've not finished that one yet.

Ok. Anything else? Where have you been the last few weeks? 

Great. Thanks. Bye. 
Nino Instagram 

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