Thursday 24 May 2012

mr tourette. master pin badge

"got a mister tourette badge, yeah?
off the modern toss website, yeah? fucking looks like it an all..."

if the above dialogue makes no sense, i imagine you've never seen an episode of Modern Toss. the lo-fi animated series
with it's distinct mix of surreal humour and liberal use of the word 'cunt'. it's a show fuelled by rage. all sketches feature
characters tethering on the edge of sanity. it takes very little for one to be provoked and once set off, a violent tirade of
abuse and profanity will be unleashed.

mr tourette the apathetic sign writing frenchman sketch has got to be my favourite Modern Toss character. his uniquely
innovative approach to marketing and design is on a level which i aspire to. he too like nino paulito, also has a fondness for
an animal sidekick. his a talking cat in place of my undead goat. i will wear his pin whenever in need of extra motivation.
it's sure to inspire some bracing mr tourette style self-assertiveness.

be prepared

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