straggling home one late night, i stumbled across some stray negatives tossed out on the street.
only just come round to scanning them all and... wow! what incredible photos they contain.
whoever took these photos sure had an interesting eye for composition. loving the almost gangster poses in the photo
above and the quite spectacular way both girl's saris hideously clash with every piece of furniture in the room.
cues like the granny sofa and boombox with stack of cassette tapes makes one instantly suggest these photos are from
the 70's or early 80's. but i've visited places recently with similarly quaint interior. Dead Rebecca's Flat is one
particularly striking example i remember. i assume like that place too, the home in these photos is owned by some time
retarded elderly resident who's no longer aware, (or cares), to update. and why should they? this place looks amazing.
Nino Paulito